
Bono compone una canción para Zucchero

Bono ha escrito una canción para el cantante italiano Zucchero, es al menos la tercera vez que sabemos de una colaboración como esta de Bono con su amigo de antaño. La nueva canción titulada "Someone Else's Tears", forma parte del último disco del cantante, "Chocabeck", que saliera a la venta el 3 de noviembre.

Las otras colaboraciones de Bono con Zucchero fueron en las canciones "Miserere" y "Blue". También actuaron juntos en el concierto NetAid de 1999, y en el concierto Pavarotti and Friends de 2003.

Someone Else's Tears
(Letra: Bono / Música: Zucchero)

You feel familiar
But I’m not sure I know your name
I don’t know why I’m telling you this story today
A whisper on the breeze
I heard a rustle in the trees
I need to know and maybe you’ll explain
Why I can’t stop crying
And nothing is as it appears
I can’t stop crying
But I’m crying someone else’s tears
Someone else’s tears
The grapes are gathered
The wine is pressed
And despite the rain it’s been a good year
To walk these fields again
In the chapel of our youth we bowed down to beauty and truth
I see no reason but maybe you’ll explain
Why I can’t stop crying and nothing is as it appears
I can’t stop crying but I’m crying someone else’s tears
Someone else’s tears
The red house that we built...
It’s still standing... proud
The glasses that we filled...
Let’s raise them now
It might be raining
But the sun is gonna burst through the clouds
The storm it can be stilled...
Let’s go out...
But I can’t stop crying
As I’m crashing through the gears
I can’t stop crying
But I’m crying someone else’s tears
Someone else’s tears
I can’t stop lying
Have I been lying all these years?
I can’t stop trying
To chase away her fears
I can’t stop crying, crying,
Someone else’s tears

Vía @U2.com